Gardening and even yard work can offer many health benefits in return! Here’s some reasons why you might consider keeping a garden.
7 Ways Gardening Helps Your Health
Burns Calories: You can burn about 330 calories during one hour of light gardening or yard work
Lower Blood Pressure: Just 30 minutes of daily moderate physical activity, significantly prevents and lowers risk of high blood pressure
Bone health: Time outside means more exposure to the sun and the amazing bone benefits of vitamin D
Eat Healthier: Typically, the food you grow is healthier than what you would get from the grocery store
Relieve Stress: Gardening is positively correlated with a reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms, according to a 2017 meta-analysis in Preventive Medicine Reports
Sense of Community: Sharing food, tips, and gardening ideas builds healthy neighborly interactions, weeding together helps too
Improve Quality of Life: Gardening has been linked with an increased quality of life and overall outlook